Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i’ve been wishing you well since the day you were born. hoping that you were kissing all the wrong mouths and moving in all of the proper directions to get to me, every slight of your hand has moved you closer to me. every moment you lost someone you loved, every girl you’ve broken and who has broken you, every lost tooth and skinned knee and long night, every hair cut and chest cold, every stranger you spoke to and every stranger that you never got a change to speak to, every broken bone and busted blood vessel and pair of shaking hands, every sleeping bag, old t-shirt, cliff, mountain and crack in the cement, every leap you took, every chance you missed, every bad morning and every hang over. every fight with your father and every time you made your mother cry, every letter you’ve received and every prank you’ve pulled. every perscription you filled, and the pills you didn’t swallow. all the places you’ve seen, the melted snow, the bloody noses, the people you’ve missed, the religion you lost, the whispers you’ve uttered, the black eyes, the awkward silences, the pollution, the paragraphs you spoke, the books you didnt finish, the dirty water, the showers, the hand-me downs, the times you’ve been caught, the games of rock paper scissors, the stray hairs, the upset stomaches, the stomach in your throat, the moments of skin on skin, all of the bad songs, the drunken girlfriends, the drunk ex girlfriends, the indigestion, the dogwood flowers, the bruises, the songs on repeat, the scars on your hands from every mistake you’ve ever made, have brought you here, to me, to this moment in time, finally

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